Well, Kodak does offer an SDK. It consists of 3 libraries (DLLs) and some sample code. The code is in C++ and was written using Visual Studio 6.0. My mission, that I've seemed to have accepted, is to write a managed code wrapper, using Visual Basic .Net, so that my software can consume and tether to the Kodak cameras.
Right now, I am at a standstill. I believe I have written code that will initialize and talk to the camera, but I don't have the cable to connect the camera to the PC for testing. So right now I get error codes from the .DLLs saying they can't initialize, which makes sense. But I also get this:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalDirectiveException: PInvoke restriction: can not return variants.
Here's the code that does it:
Dim myLibMgr As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(1)
Dim myCamIter As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(1)
myStatus = myPro4.KInitialize(KodakDCSIntf.Pro4.KPDCInitalizationOptions.KPDCInitOptionEnableIEEE1394, myLibMgr)
myStatus = myPro4.KAllocCamera(myLibMgr, myCamIter) <-----
I've wrapped the DLL like so:
Declare Auto Function KAllocCamera Lib "DCSPro4SLR.dll" Alias "KPDCAllocCameraIterator" (ByVal inManagerRef As IntPtr, ByRef outRef As IntPtr)
I think that it's not sure what to do, or the myLibMgr object is not valid. In the demo code, it doesn't get to AllocCamera if Initialize doesn't return a valid response (myStatus = 0).
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