Tuesday, June 29, 2004

To the less coorporate programmer!

Wow!!! This is cool. Any of you newer programmers, have you ever desired visual studio products but have been daunted by the price tag? Has The basic edition not been enough? Well, let's see what Microsoft is going to do with the express line: Click Here.

Then again, it could be just a revamp of the Basic line of Visual Studio products. But it looks good. The only thing I don't like, is the broke the Web portion out of Visual Basic. BUT, If you're a web person, you may love the fact that the Web Portion has 3 languages to choose from. (VB, C#, and J#)

What are your thoughts? I've always had to rely on work for coding tools, which meant I couldn't code at home. Then I got Sharp Develop, but it still has some bugs.

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