Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Oh... page 82, of course!

I've been struggling for the past 2 weeks, at least, on this Canon RC-SDK. I couldn't get my VB .Net code to use it, I couldn't even get the samples to work. I copied the RCSDK.dll file into my apps folder, but it just wouldn't work.

Page 82, that's right, 82, not 8, not 2, not PAGE 1, but page 82, 'Copy all of the modules copied to the Redist subfolder in the RC-SDK installation folder to the application
execution folder used by the RC-SDK.

All 22 of them? Wow! Ok, let's try that. Vioala! It works...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show what can happen when you read the docs eh?